Smart + Resilient Cities Why Storm-Affected Coastal Communities Are Building Back Bigger Coastal communities are replacing storm-damaged homes with even bigger footprints, The Conversation reports, putting their new investments...
Financing Diminishing Mortgage-Interest Deductions Leave Housing Market Mostly Unscathed The mortgage-interest deduction, long seen as a boost to homeownership, was limited in the 2017 tax bill, but the housing market has...
Trends Luxury Home Prices Rebound After Declines Early This Year The average luxury home price increased by 1% in the second quarter of 2019, after a 1.7% decline earlier this year. Despite the gain, the...
Financing Mortgage Rates Hit Another Low The 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit 3.70% last week, but one-third of buyers are not doing the comparison shopping needed to take advantage...
Housewrap 9 Housewraps That Block Air But Allow Water Vapor to Escape After decades of trying to tighten the building envelope, housewrap and weather barrier manufacturers are looking to let in some breeze to...
Economics Austin Housing Market on Track to See Record Sales The housing market for Austin, Texas, and its surrounding area is on track to hit its ninth year of record home sales and prices, National...
Smart + Resilient Cities Current Building Patterns Could Put 802,555 Homes at Risk of Flooding by 2050 Coastal cities are seeing an uptick of building in flood-vulnerable areas, putting an estimated 802,555 homes at risk of 10-year flood...
Land Planning New Zoning Law Severely Limits Housing Options in Des Moines A plan passed by Des Moines’ city council severely limits the types of new housing that can be built, from minimum lot size requirements to...
Financing Housing Affordability Problems Move Inland From the Coasts America’s housing crunch is moving from big tech centers like San Francisco and New York into heartland metros, Bloomberg reports. What...
Financing Housing Affordability Reaches 18-Month High A combination of low mortgage rates and rising incomes have pushed housing affordability to its highest level in 18 months, according to...