Market Data + Trends The Best Cities for 'Worktirement' "Worktirement" is the moniker given to retirees working part-time jobs. The best cities for worktirees are typically smaller and warmer. ...
Trends Help Wanted: Communities Willing to Pay Workers to Move in Cities and states across the U.S. are offering to pay people to move in and take vacant jobs as the unemployment rate dwindles down....
Market Data + Trends Younger Boomer Buying Patterns Homebuyers aged 53 to 62 years, Younger Boomers, accounted for 18 percent of all buyers in 2017, and were the most likely to purchase a...
Trends Denver's Unaffordability Is Driving Out Residents For the first time, Denver had a "net outflow" of residents in the first quarter of this year. Redfin data show that 20 percent of users in...
Energy Efficiency Toward Zero Net Energy Communities A new study, prompted by California's new building energy code, finds that community solar systems may be a more effective and less costly...
Land Planning Local Zoning 'Not What It Used to Be' Over the past 30 years, many communities have repurposed zoning laws into increasingly prohibitive measures on new home development,...
Market Data + Trends Millennials Gaining Financial Independence Commercial real estate analytics firm CoStar Group forecasts more Millennials will be moving out of their parents' homes. The latest data...
Market Data + Trends Refinances Drove Up Mortgage Applications Last Week Last week's mortgage application volume was up 5.1 percent from the week before, boosted by refinance loan applications, per the Mortgage...
Projects* UNPUBLISHED Storm-Resistant Building's Slow Adoption Dilemma Architects and engineers are innovating homes to protect against extreme weather at varying levels of price and complexity, but the pool of...
Market Data + Trends Best U.S. Job Markets in 2018 Career site Zippia studied 386 metros to find the 10 best job markets in the nation based on wage change, unemployment rate change, and the...