Trends There’s No Place Like Home: Retirees Are Staying in Place A new study from United Income found that most retirees are staying in their homes. According to MarketWatch, this stems in part from the...
Financing ‘Datafy’ Your Business in Three Steps Oregon home builder Jason Adams has used data to make his business more efficient and competitive. Adams, CEO of Bend, Ore.-based Arbor...
Market Data + Trends Single Women Buy Homes Twice as Often as Men Survey data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that single women made 18 percent of all home purchases last year,...
Energy Efficiency The Challenges of Recycling Solar Panels The solar industry is grappling with how to dispose of old solar panels, which often contain toxic materials. Most photovoltaic solar...
Financing Loan Availability Increases for Residential Construction The volume of residential construction loans has seen 20 consecutive quarters of growth, with a 1.8 percent increase in the first quarter of...
New-Home Sales April New Home Sales Up 12 Percent From 2017 Despite falling 1.5 percent from March, April's new home sales are up 11.6 percent over April 2017. The large gap is due to the...
New-Home Sales New Home Prices Hit 12-Month Low The price for a new home dropped nearly 6.9 percent between March and April of 2018, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau and the...
Home Technology Lennar and Amazon Collaborate on Smart Home Showrooms A new partnership between Amazon and Lennar will bring Alexa-enabled smart home technology to “experience showrooms” across the U.S. ...
Trends Southern Cities Are Growing Fast The fastest-growing U.S. cities have moved away from the tech-driven coastal hubs and are now concentrated in the South, according to data...
Land Planning AD&C Loan Standards Ease, Interest Rates Rise Builders and developers are seeing an easing in required credit conditions for acquisition, development, and single-family construction...