Q+A Entekra's Gerard McCaughey Aims to Disrupt the Industry's Stick-Build Mentality Entrekra's CEO Gerard McCaughey provides a U.K. perspective on fully integrated off-site building solutions vs. the U.S. penchant for stick-built construction
Plumbing Fixtures + Fittings Luring Buyers With On-Trend Kitchen Products Buyers want kitchens that are packed with benefit-rich products, in configurations that allow them to personalize
Business Management What Sales + Marketing Problem Are You Trying to Solve? Define the issue, settle on a strategy, and set targets on how to spread the message
Smart Growth Announcing the Race to Zero Grand Winner The top prizewinner of this student competition offers a site-efficient and energy-wise home on a dense infill site in a challenging climate
Market Data + Trends The Decision to Rent or Buy in Retirement Depends on Location As retirees and empty-nesters decide to downsize, they will be faced with the decision to buy or rent a smaller property. According to CNBC,...
National Housing Quality Award Continuous Improvement Is a Journey The winners of home building's highest honor for total quality management talk about how they got there and what's next
Market Data + Trends Midwestern Cities Above Average Analysis from Bloomberg View shows that most cities with economies running above the national average are located in the Midwest. The...
Market Data + Trends The Best Small Cities for Families NerdWallet released its analysis of the best small cities to move to with a family. Their top cities with populations between 25,000 to 75...
Market Data + Trends Seattle Home Price Growth Nearly Double Other Cities A recently released Case-Shiller home-price index showed that Seattle’s single-family home prices have surged 13.5 percent in the last year...
Trends Multipurpose Rooms Gain Popularity With Buyers Home builders and designers are seeing increasing demand for multipurpose rooms in their homes. According to Realtor.com, 13 out of the...