Codes + Standards Latest construction accident fatality statistics reverse trend of declining deaths 2012 statistics show construction fatalities on the rise, with North Dakota's rate 10 times the national average
Codes + Standards AGC to study causes of construction deaths, injuries Common threads in fatalities are being analyzed for better safety standards
Codes + Standards Tougher penalties needed for violation of construction safety standards, says advocacy group National Council for Occupational Safety and Health concerned about falls, silica dust exposure
Building Operations On Safety, Spanish and Forgiveness As a member of the Association of Subcontractor and Affiliates (ASA) of Chicago, we try to share the collective expertise of the...
Building Operations To get attention, B_R_E_A_K the pattern Two teachers start their respective 8 am classes. Both classes have talkative students. Teacher Uno raises his voice, demanding...
Building Operations “We’ve done this a lot. a group…are stupid.” Last week I went to the Chicago filming of “America’s Got Talent”, the NBC show that accepts all comers who don’t make it on American...
Building Operations Text Mex: Meet ‘em where they are Would you ever use Twitter to announce your family dinner is being served? Ridiculous question, right? Wait. Hold that answer…. The...
Building Operations The Inverse Golden Rule + 3 CYA tools when working with Hispanics You know The Golden Rule, right? He who has the gold makes the rules. On the jobsite today, there is an inverse to The Golden...
Building Operations 'I see dead people' + 3 other common sensibilities An obstacle to better jobsite safety is the English-Spanish language gap. Here are three Spanish phrases you can use to communicate the obvious—but essential—on the jobsite
Building Operations Excuse me, sir…your PowerPoint sucks Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Guy gets up to give a presentation. Self-deprecating intro. Well-dressed. Strong voice. He’s...