Building Operations Catalog ideas; don’t shoot them Yesterday I attended a Construction and Safety Expo outside Chicago. General contractors, Sub-contractors and Safety Suppliers were dishing...
Building Operations 4 tips for the coming labor crunch A CNN Money article this week elaborated on what many construction firms already know: good labor is now hard to find. Some find this news...
Building Operations Leveraging the smartphone for a safer jobsite Considering the millions of people wandering around with chins buried in their chests, thumbs ablaze on glass keyboards, few would suggest...
Jobsite Safety Home builders honored at SAFE awards dinner The National Association of Home Builders/Builders Mutual Insurance Company Safety Award for Excellence was presented to 13 home builders, remodelers, home builders' associations and other members of the home building industry.
Building Operations Gordon Gekko and the information imperative. Yesterday we revisited the information-gathering tactics of The Master of the Senate - Lyndon B. Johnson. But when it comes to...
Building Operations What LBJ can teach you about the most valuable commodity. Early in Lyndon Johnson’s senate career, he lobbied for the title of Senate Majority Whip. The more seasoned senators chuckled. ...
Building Operations Do you have Cool Hand Luke Syndrome? Why has high school Spanish failed so many students? Let’s face it - foreign language failure is acceptable in America today. Yes, I...
Building Operations What high school theology taught me about Spanish. I attended a Catholic high school. Nuns. Uniforms. Morning prayers. Mass injected into random school days. And...
Building Operations Why Hispanics on your job don’t speak English… to you. People like to be recognized for their skills. The holiday season, chock-full of family time, is a great atmosphere for positive...
Building Operations Spanish Twins: The fastest way to learn Construction Spanish. 1. Metal 2. Material 3. Plan 4. Base 5. Idea 6. Hospital 7. Doctor 8. Vertical 9. Horizontal 10. Diagonal ...