Bassenian Lagoni's Dave Kosco offers a multi-family plan designed to live differently than other multi-family options on the market and build more affordably as well.
Jeff Larsen of MVE & Partners presents a rowhouse concept with an interlocking or keyed garage configuration that achieves higher densities than conventional rear-loaded rowhouses.
Reno Contracting has formed a joint venture with Coyle Residential, a full-service general contractor specializing in high density, multi-family apartments, mixed use, condominiums design coordination, budgeting and turnkey construction.
Real estate economists and analysts are expecting significant turnaround in the national economy and the real estate market within the next three years, according to a new survey by the Urban Land Institute.
The Chicago City Council’s Zoning Committee approved a zoning change that will allow up to 50 percent of work space in low-intensity business districts to be used for living space.