While most builders are passionate about building homes, most aren't particularly passionate about financial management. That needs to change
Health-care costs rank as the most critical issue concerning small business owners, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Businesses and Wells Fargo. Nearly two-thirds of respondents to the 2004 survey listed he
Urban redevelopment provides numerous opportunities to builders, particularly smaller ones, for whom a small lot can present a world of opportunity. Villa Carabelli Townhomes in Cleveland, for example, turned an underutilized 1.4-acre parking lot into 20
The pressure of raising impact fees remains the same today as 2001 when a superior court judge ruled California's Orange County violated state law by over-billing home buyers and builders for plan check and inspection fees. The judge ruled that Orang
Warm Edge I spacer conserves energy and maximizes the performances of thermal windows by reducing the transfer of heat and cold air from the outside to the inside of the home. It is engineered to minimize the seepage of moisture into the home. This flexi
Gold Bond brand 1-Inch Fire-Shield Shaftliner XP gypsum panels consist of a fire-resistant type X gypsum core encased in a heavy, 100 percent recycled purple paper on the face and back sides. Resistant to moisture, mold and mildew, the face paper is fold
In Bothell, Wash., located near Seattle, builder CamWest Development created a Craftsman-style neighborhood set within nature — the North Creek Project. This eight-acre site consists of a collection of small homes on small lots at a density of 14.5
Researchers at the University of Southern California's Lusk Center for Real Estate find different housing patterns — and lower home ownership rates — among immigrants in 14 cities are emerging as "gateway" centers — attracti