Though the widely used Net Promoter Score has come under attack, there are good ways to adapt this customer loyalty metric to the home building industry
In our first installment of the Professional Builder marketing critique, marketing and advertising experts weigh in on Charlotte, N.C.’s Simonini Builders Heydon Hall ad.
Something about Professional Builder has changed. It looks different. It even feels different. In truth, we have reformulated and redesigned the entire magazine, and we did so to better serve you.
You face hard decisions every day in every aspect of your job. When it comes to the contingency objection, it’s enough to make a person insane. Find out what you can do to overcome the contingency objection.
You can no longer afford to be aloof when closing a sale. Professional Builder columnist John Rymer explains why building rapport is essential to the sales process.
Avoiding these construction mistakes results in a higher quality, more comfortable, energy-efficient home at little extra cost to the builder. In these days of construction litigation, can you really afford to get it wrong?
Author Bruce Tulgan describes why it’s better to use business conversations to build rapport with employees rather than rely on personal details.
Residential development as part of a rail network can be a beneficial opportunity for cities, builders and homeowners alike when it is planned as part of an overall community vision. Contributing Editor Ann Matesi examines the components of successful ho
The sharp increase in home prices has made it difficult for median income workers to buy homes, threatening the markets that builders serve. But builders have found ways to work with cities and states to build affordable homes without losing their shirts
A variety of new structural products from QuietSolution, iLevel and more.