Land buys should be an integral part of your five-year business plan - so lots keep coming onstream as needed for the product lines you build.
Looking for ways to eliminate hurdles to creating affordable housing in your market? Check out for solutions to common code, process and regulation problems.
Perry Bigelow demonstrates how evenflow production can help bring affordablilty to a Chicago inner-city neighborhood.
Understanding and managing customer expectation is one of the biggest factors in buyer satisfaction.
In late April, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld federal Clean Air Act (CAA) provisions that state and local governments cannot set emission standards for new motor vehicles, a provision which also applies to construction equipment.
Develop your own formula to add affordable housing to your offering. It’s right for the bottom line and for the satisfaction of fulfilling dreams.
Today's legal landscape for home building contributes to the crisis in affordable housing. As cities, counties and states cope with their own mounting fiscal shortfalls, the robust housing sector looks like a fruitful feeding ground for new sources of ..
New basement-free product proves an affordable success story in this Missouri TND project.
In April, Georgia-Pacific Corp. announced it will no longer manufacture paper-faced exterior gypsum sheathing.
Great Western Homes, one of the home-building pioneers of the South Phoenix, Ariz. area, and its Ridgefield community contribute to the area's changing face.