Winners of the NRS Award show how your company can create customer delight.
Exceeding customer expectations is the key to high satisfaction scores. That's why personal relationships with buyers are just as important as quality control.
Take a good look at your sales force. Spend some time considering how they affect your firm.
Contemporary architecture returns to production-built housing, when a GIANT models an entire village in Orange County, Calif., after the shacks of an old mining town.
Most successions have the owner remaining active for a specified period of time.
By taking advantage of the accessible spaces in open-web joists or raised ceilings, HVAC and other utilities can be easier to install and accessible for future repairs and upgrades.
Builders who choose appliances on price alone may be overlooking powerful profit opportunities, such as packaging and marketing unique features, upgrades and innovative placement.
As builders, we believe that every American should have the opportunity to live in a decent and affordable home. And although the nation has made great progress, much remains to be done.
That sound you hear is hot air leaking from the glitter capital's housing price balloon; it is not that of a national bubble bursting.
Is home building a transaction environment or a relationship business? Talk to a lot of new-home buyers and they make clear it's a totally transaction business