There has been much speculation about a possible house price 'bubble' that will burst, resulting in dramatic declines in value such as those that have devastated the stock market.
Twelve years ago, when 'Quality was Job 1' at Ford Motor Co. and many other Fortune 500 firms, only a handful of home builders were on the total quality management bandwagon.
Integral to Fairmont Homes' commitment to lean manufacturing and employee involvement is its color-coded inventory system.
QuickGantt 4.0, QuickAssist 2.5, Smart Tools Contact Manager and Smart Tools Project Manager are desktop software products designed for small to medium-size businesses.
The American Homeowners Association, a subscription-based organization that provides various services and discounts to homeowners, renters and first-time home buyers...
Pulte Homes of Minnesota has been a quality management star within a larger national organization that is increasingly focused on quality.
There are no small visions at Neumann Homes, a two-time winner of the National Housing Quality Award.
The Twin Cutter saw cuts metal, wood, plastic, fiberglass or any combination of those materials without changing blades.
Although sales of manufactured homes surged in the late 1990s because of a loosening of financing restrictions, the slowing economy has caused repossession rates to shoot up.