A properly designed and installed whole-house ventilation system provides fresh air, filters and mixes the air, and then distributes that air around the house, all with minimal maintenance.
New Castle XT sliding patio doors come in a standard rail style for maximum viewing area and a French rail style for a traditional look.
Contemporary styling and functionality come together in the decorative Bench Radiator from Myson.
Whether you're a builder on a custom home project, a remodeler overhauling an existing home or a homeowner just looking for some great ideas, Wendy A. Jordan, author of The Kidspace Idea Book, has them.
Raised- or long-panel garage doors in the Banner Collection are offered in four insulation levels, from the entry-level Crest (a noninsulated steel door) to the Ribbon (full-depth insulation with a 9.83 R-value and steel backing).
The Affordable Housing Design Advisor is a Web site.
For more information on the National Housing Quality Awards, view these resources.
Earl LaFave, president and co-owner of Beck Development, wanted to play up the industrial history of the reclaimed sand and gravel quarry he restored to create the Hidden Lake community.
The 3802L is a 12-inch compound miter saw with a dual LaserLoc system that shows the line of cut on either side of the blade kerf, at any angle, brightly enough for outdoor use, and with or without the blade in motion.