This last concept is the exception on several fronts. It can be used on sloping or wooded sites, and it can accommodate ranch walk-outs and larger homes than the other high-density plans.
A report released by the Davis Energy Group and the California Energy Commission concluded that automatic ventilation cooling technology combined with building design provides cooling capabilities while reducing energy consumption.
Trailer-able manufactured homes took a publicity beating on television and in newspapers, even though those built since 1994 code upgrades weathered the storm as well, structurally, as site-built homes.
There's a bright spot amid the news of devastation, rebuilding – or rather waiting to rebuild – and sadness following this season's hurricanes. In and around Port Charlotte, in southwestern Florida, in fact, there are eight bright spots.
Homes built to statewide code resisted structural damage due to wind, but the devil's still in the details.
Economists believe 'housing bubbles' exist in many markets and have the potential to severely damage the industry and the national economy.
In the bustle of last summer's busy construction season, an important new resource for our industry may have gone largely unnoticed by builders working 24/7 to meet the extraordinary demand for new homes: the Occupational Safety and Health Administrati..
A leading builder brings the great outdoors into view in a Manatee County, Fla., home designed for social living. In the process, he makes a move-up for himself, into the luxury market.
As Tuscan and other European-styled homes continue to capture buyers' hearts, builders may again be looking for the earthy, Old World feel of plaster.
The lowdown on proper sizing, design, and installation of air handling systems