Net worth among the baby boom generation has grown substantially, but it may not be enough to get them through retirement without Social Security and pension plans.
First impressions last, so put your best foot forward in the foyer. Know when to make a grand spash with a second entrance or stairway, and how to share space in compact designs.
An early overview by PB editors of entries in the National Housing Quality awards reveals strategic planning as a common area of weakness.
Most of us are simply buying our way to improved quality and improved customer-satisfaction scores. The time is coming when we will have to learn prevention.
There is no model home or sales office, and yet this two-tower, 532-unit condominium project boasts three buyers for every unit on its priority interest list.
If you are a privately held home builder chances are you have been thinking a lot about your future lately. How long do I want to continue doing this?
Everybody in the organization is a sales ambassador to the public, reinforcing the buyer's decision and increasing customer referrals.
Denver land planner David Clinger believes innovations in high-density detached housing meet today's emerging market head-on.
Sales managers now can have weekly training videos delivered to them from the Internet.
Demand is growing for small-lot, detached homes. But how do you deal with the cars while protecting safety and privacy at 7 to 10 units per acre?