Business Management The Voice of Reason It's your time to be the voice of reason for your clients, your employees and yourself. ...
Business Management The Voice of Reason It's your time to be the voice of reason for your clients, your employees and yourself. ...
Building Software Pricing remodeling jobs with the iPad Scott Sevon on how his firm uses the iPad to simplify bidding on work. ...
Remodeling Insider Selling the team game What if I told you there was a simple way to increase the production of your sales reps to provide a competitive advantage for your...
Sales + Marketing Touch, zoom, sell: How builders are using tablets to sell homes WCI Communities, Sivage Homes, and William Lyon Homes are among the builders that are connecting with buyers in new ways through the use of tablet computers.
Tools + Equipment Game change: How the iPad revolution is changing the way builders do business Builders across the country are turning to tablet technology at a growing rate — and for a host of business applications.