The hottest trends right now for residential design are all a result of the pandemic. The American Institute of Architect’s third quarter 2020 Home Design Trends Survey found an increase in the number of home offices, exercise spaces, flex rooms, and indoor air quality products requested by homeowners. Home offices were the most requested amenity, with 68% of architects saying their clients wanted this room, compared to only 29% last year. Flex rooms did not make the list last year, but 43% of architects this year say their clients are requesting them.
Exercise and yoga spaces didn’t make the list in 2019 either. Back then it was easier for busy homeowners to head to a gym or yoga studio to fulfill their fitness needs. The 23% of architects seeing requests now is likely driven by those businesses closing because of Covid lockdowns, then sometimes opening and closing again in select areas of the country. That’s making it hard for people to maintain their fitness when they need it most. Home spaces for fitness are becoming must-haves instead of nice to haves.