HVAC Ensuring Comfort in High-Performance Homes Compact duct systems are one strategy contractors have successfully used for many years to ensure occupant comfort
Sponsored Timber Framing The Science Behind the Strength Using solid sections reduces the labor and cost of fastening a multiple member together
Insulation Foam Insulation vs. Fiberglass and Cellulose: Which Is the Right Choice? Three insulation options dominate home construction, but picking the right one can be tricky
Codes + Standards AAMA releases new comparison of condensation ratings systems for fenestration Common causes and technical issues addressed; side-by side examination of rating tools
HVAC Building Science: How Tight Construction Improves Indoor Air Quality People spend nearly 90 percent of their time indoors, with the majority of that time spent in their homes, that's why builders need to pay close attention to indoor air quality
Modular Homes 9 Reasons to Go Modular With today's technology, modular homes can be built in any style, and completion time for a home can be reduced by up to 50 percent
Sponsored Timber Framing The Built-Up Column Conundrum How do you determine if a field-built column is strong enough to support the load?
Sponsored Timber Framing 4 Strategies to Reduce Jobsite Framing Waste Excess or unused wood accounts for up to 40% of jobsite waste, according to estimates from the NAHB. Too many builders, contractors and...
HVAC Bring HVAC Ducts Inside Cost-effective ways to meet zero-energy-ready home requirements with HVAC
Sponsored Best Practices 3 Common Field Mistakes to Avoid Above: Squash blocks installed to support load from above. Right: Load from above without squash blocks or blocking panels caused this...