Having been in this industry for more than 40 years, I know from personal experience that our industry has always recovered from previous recessions. I contend, however, that great marketing and sales strategies are not honed during good markets, but dur
Outdoor living spaces continue to rank high on most homeowners’ wish lists. The desire to incorporate a functional outdoor entertaining area into the overall home design appeals to virtually all segments of the market.
Recent studies strongly suggest a homeowner's utility expenses and transportation expenses can be meaningful determinants of delinquency, default, and prepayment.
The 2012 NAHB study “What Home Buyers Really Want” shows a decided preference for crown moldings. Sixty-two percent of respondents rated crown moldings the third most essential decorative feature in the home.
Seattle architect Ross Chapin knows all about designing smaller, smarter homes. Chapin, principal of Ross Chapin Architects, Langley, Wash., has long been a proponent of conserving resources by cutting down on unnecessary square footage.
The sight of shoreline homes washed away in recent storms suggests it is time to give serious consideration to innovative proposals like a plan for a “float yard” along Boston Harbor.
Priority Energy, a home-energy audit training company based in the Chicago area, invites builders, architects, contractors, code officials, and HERS raters to mingle with industry peers and browse its IECC booths on Wednesday, May 15.
Meeting the Passive House airtightness standard is more a matter of art than of software. It takes top-notch materials for taping and sealing and great diligence in applying them.