Financing Borrower Requests to Delay Mortgage Payments Soar Nearly 2,000% Requests to delay mortgage payments jumped 1,896 percent between the week of March 16 and the week of March 30. Those high percentages may...
Demographics Meet the Older Millennials, the Largest Share of Homebuyers When someone says “Millennials,” you might think of tech-savvy high schoolers or college students who frequently dye their hair—which may...
Demographics Which U.S. Housing Markets Are Most Vulnerable to Coronavirus Fallout? What happens to the housing market next? Whether builders shelter at home or continue on the job site at a slower pace, it is hard to escape...
Codes + Standards COVID-19 Taking a Toll on Energy Efficiency Projects Some 2.4 million workers provide energy efficiency services for homes and businesses. Indications are that this sector is being hit hard by...
Sales + Marketing Trends How Builders Are Keeping Homebuyers Engaged and Production on Track Online digital design services and visualization tools can effectively satisfy buyers and prospects while distinguishing your brand from the competition
Financing Lenders Ask Feds for Cash to Avoid Collapse Amid Mortgage Payment Delays The Cares Act mandates that lenders allow borrowers with government-backed mortgages to delay monthly payments for at least 90 days and up...
Sales How Coronavirus Is Rapidly Reshaping Homebuying Earlier this year, the housing industry had its eyes on the Silver Tsunami, a wave of Baby Boomers who would age out of their homes and...
Economics Which Cities Are Most at Risk for Coronavirus-Caused Foreclosures? While stay-at-home orders continue and unemployment soars, the coronavirus is hitting the economy hard. As builders look around, they may be...
Coronavirus Resources and Information 3D Home Tours Steal the Show Amid Stay-at-Home Orders Technology is turning out to be the saving grace for the real estate industry during the coronavirus pandemic. Though potential homebuyers...
Sales Top 6 Cities That May See Home-Price Growth Post-Coronavirus Before the coronavirus pandemic, just 1 percent of all markets could anticipate home value depreciation. Now, one-tenth of them may face...