Affordability Is Fractional Homeownership Any Kind of Solution for Housing Attainability? The imbalance between housing supply and demand is spurring some innovative options within the real estate industry
Housing Markets Metros Where Housing Prices Have Doubled in Less Than 10 Years Historical data show it's taken less than 10 years for home prices to double in 68 of the country’s 100 largest cities
Single-Family Homes What Does It Cost to Build a Single-Family Home? A closer look at the itemized costs in each stage of construction for a single-family home
Financing Even With Inflation Running Hot and Elevated Mortgage Rates, Buyer Demand Rises Mortgage rates will likely stay high for the next few months, but that doesn't seem to be deterring homebuyers
Financing Q1 2024 Foreclosure Activity Rises Slightly Data show New York, Houston, and Chicago topping the list of major metros with the greatest number of foreclosure starts during Q1 2024
Market Data + Trends More Listings, Lower Rates This Week The market perks up with a recent influx of fresh housing listings, and the week ending March 28 sees a dip in mortgage rates
Financing Mortgage Rates Set to Remain Higher for Longer After the Fed's announcement on Wednesday that it is holding interest rates steady, homebuyers hoping for lower mortgage rates will have to keep waiting
Financing As Mortgage Rates Dip, Homeowners With High Rates Move to Refinance A decrease in rates last week prompted a rise in refinancing by homeowners who obtained their mortgages at near-peak rates
Market Data + Trends January's Mortgage Rate Dip Prompts Some Thawing of the Housing Market A drop in mortgage rates from recent peaks nudged more homebuyers and sellers into the market, signaling the start of greater supply and demand
Financing Credit for Builders Still Tight But Shows Some Easing Credit for residential AD&C remained constrained during Q4 2023, but the good news is that tightening is less widespread than in recent quarters