Renowned for his resilience through a 30-year career, Denver builder Geoie Writer finally decided to go with the flow rather than swim against the stream of consolidation in the home building industry now.
Kaufman and Broad Home Corporation has opened a 24-hour sales center in its southwest Las Vegas community of Monaco, offering convenience for the city’s numerous customers who work odd hours.
Whether or not we like it, buyers’ expectations are increasing. Ever demanding expectations are transferring from consumer goods and automobiles to home building.
It’s a growing market, yet one that limits competitive exposure. You’re not likely to find the big public builders doing tear-downs in the inner city.
If you build it they will come. That was the kind of faith it took Heritage Communities Inc., a Myrtle Beach, S.C., multi-family home builder to move forward with the full compliment of services it offers.
On Saturday, April 8, the final day of the second National Green Building Conference, attendees will have the opportunity to put all the learning experiences into perspective.
Preliminary numbers for the full year of 1999 show a pattern of the single-family sector doing much better than the multifamily residential construction market.
The Conference Board’s composite Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) climbed to a record-high during the first month of the new year.
The Labor Department’s construction materials composite price index rose by 0.2% between November and December of last year.
Taking the political temperature of voters on growth issues in the weeks leading up to the current election season, the National Association of Home Builders recently conducted a poll