Products Housing's Device Wars Americans are increasingly smartening up their homes for added convenience, style, and future resale value, and manufacturers are racing to...
Opinion The Robots Are Coming! Pick your head up on occasion to glimpse these new tools and how they’re helping builders do better
Software + Apps Apps for Builders Out of the pocket and into our future, the fusion of tech and home building is here to be tapped
Builders More Construction Companies Filling Labor Gaps With Tech Answering the crippling labor shortage, many construction companies are raising their base pay, while others are implementing new tech and...
Financing Proptech Startup Gives Millennial Buyers Green Light A new proptech startup called Greendoor from Bill Lyons, CEO and founder of mortgage lender Griffin Funding aims to help Millennial and tech...
Building Software Tools | FLIR Two moisture meters from FLIR Systems, the FLIR MR59 Ball Probe Moisture Meter (shown) and the FLIR MR55 Pin Moisture Meter, are designed to...
Innovation Tools | Parrot Business Solutions The fixed-wing SenseFly eBee X drone and the ultra-compact 4K Anafi Work drone (shown) offered by Parrot Business Solutions each provide...
Software + Apps Tools | PCM PCM’s Digital Job Box is a rugged solution for jobsite management that consists of a heavy-duty locking steel storage box with marine-grade...
Software + Apps Cities Experimenting With AI Assistants Americans ask Amazon's smart assistant Alexa for a lot, and now many can ask about their city's latest news, projects, and data. Earlier...
Tools + Equipment ClAppBack: Apps for Builders | Episode 2: Field Tools In the latest episode of web series ClAppBack: Apps for Builders, associate editor Kate Carsella and PRODUCTS associate editor Amanda...