This two-part series explores the impact of valuations on home-building companies. In Part 1, we debunk valuation myths and discuss how a softer market affects valuations
Production builders should look before they go leaping into on-your-lot building as a sideline operation. While it sounds like a good idea on the surface, the process for scattered lot development has its own complexities
The public home builders' filings with the federal Securities and Exchange Commission show these companies made their best margins ever in 2005, even though they don't separate land profits from those made by building and selling houses. It will be a tou
A lot of home builders are giving themselves heartburn by insisting on more survey responses when accurate results can be obtained from a much smaller number of returned questionnaires. Why the focus on quantity vs. quality?
As simple as it seems, continuous improvement baffles me. Not because it's hard to understand; I'm baffled that such a simple concept can create so many different interpretations