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Rich Binsacca
Rich Binsacca is editorial director ofPro Builder Media, Custom Builder, and PRODUCTS. He has reported and written about all aspects of the housing industry since 1987 and most recently was editor-in-chief of Pro Builder Media.
2020 was an unusual year for housing, to say the least. Pro Builder's annual reader forecast survey looks ahead to what 2021 has in store for home building
The Ultimate Zero Energy Now Home is proof that combining high performance and market appeal is a recipe for success in today’s competitive production environment
Should home builders work with one of the big three—Apple, Amazon, Google—on a connected home solution? And what about energy management? Is microgrid technology the answer?
In the wake of COVID-19 restrictions, municipalities in some states have launched or expanded the use of remote, tech-driven building inspection solutions to keep projects moving
To find the balance between fees and regulations and address issues of environmental stewardship and housing affordability, keep in mind that we all caused this problem, so we all should share in the costs and solutions to fix it
Three recent national studies look at consumer homebuying trends. Pro Builder looks at the data to reveal opportunities for builders to create competitive distinction within their markets
Current HVAC innovations are a key component of today’s energy-efficient homes and can enable builders to go beyond the status quo to deliver more comfortable, healthy homes
If you think more creatively about building opportunities and can navigate the associated hurdles, you could significantly impact housing supply in your market
The 2019 Professional Builder Design Awards provide ample evidence that great design can be realized in all types of housing at any price point in any market
Working alongside truly talented carpenters and watching other tradespeople not only impressed on me their skill and smarts, but convinced me I had neither at the level required to make a living at it. So instead I chose to write about it