National Housing Quality Award Lessons Learned: Pacific Lifestyle Homes 2018 NHQ Gold A culture of continuous improvement probably should not tolerate finger-pointing. Yet establishing that kind of corporate milieu is more...
Business Management The Lazy Engineer Isn't Interested in Efficiency Wanted: A new job description for an old profession
Business Management Welcome to a Home Builder's VPO Nightmare Each variance purchase order is a failure, for everyone. It’s lose, lose, lose—for the builder, the supplier or trade, and for the customer
Customer Satisfaction 10 Ways to a Customer-Centric Culture Consistency, effectiveness, and success depend upon precisely documented expectations for your entire home building team
Builder of the Year 2016 Builder of the Year: LGI Masters of a challenging niche, LGI turns renters into owners by building homes within reach for entry-level buyers
National Housing Quality Award CBH Homes: NHQ Bronze Award Esprit de corps and solid marketing power continuous improvement
Business Management Conquering Complexity: Confronting the Source of Profit Loss Complexity kills good process. Good process drives profit. Your only choice is to conquer complexity
Builder of the Year 2015 Builder of the Year: Neal Communities The Great Recession offered some hard lessons for Neal Communities—and a chance to do better than ever before
Business Management On the Road to Simplicity in Home Building: A Way of Thinking and Operating for Business Success Simplification is never about merely stripping out features or dumbing down the product. In fact, simplification is a way of thinking, designing, and operating that can improve product along with profits
National Housing Quality Award NHQ Silver Award Winner: Tim O’Brien Homes Holding trades to an exacting benchmark helps attract the best in the business.