Energy Efficiency Elon Musk Predicts Tesla Will Sell 1,000 Solar Roofs a Week Elon Musk is betting on solar panel technology’s bright future as it grows cheaper and more accessible. Tesla is driving further into the...
New-Home Marketing Buy Here, Not There: The 10 Best and Worst Places to Mortgage a House California Dreamin’ comes at a price: the median home buyer takes out a mortgage up to four times his or her expected yearly salary. The...
House Review Fresh Concepts in Contemporary and Modern Home Design The revival of modern housing design offers lessons and opportunities for better livability and performance
Jobsite Safety OSHA Grant Enables Free Fall-Prevention Training A $150,000 OSHA grant will enable NAHB, in partnership with the Job-Site Safety Institute, to continue offering fall-protection safety training
Customer Satisfaction Creating a Culture of Customer Commitment You have to walk the talk if you expect employees to truly value customer satisfaction
Quality Matters Do This to Ensure Fiber-Cement Siding Is Trouble-Free Avoid expensive moisture problems by paying attention to a few key details and avoiding these common errors
Economics Mortgage Rates Increase Along With Hopes of China Trade Dispute Resolution Foreign affairs such as the trade dispute with China and Brexit can hit close to home, affecting even the housing market. Mortgage rates...
New-Home Sales September New Home Sales Outpace 2018 Despite Slight Decline September saw a decline in the contracts for new, single family homes, but it remains higher than 2018 as this year continues to show growth...
Green Design Home Builders Are Key Players in Climate Resiliency Climate disasters are dangerous and expensive, and current U.S. homes may not be ready, according to Nicholas Rajkovich. Rajkovich, an...
Smart Home Home Builders Are Breaking Up With Google Nest Initially, home builders looking to elevate their game saw Google Nest as the path to integrating smart home technology into their work. But...