Customer Satisfaction Measure Your Listening Skills Learn how sales professionals can measure if they are really hearing what’s important to home buyers.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Finds Sales Teams Weak on Follow-Ups Despite a tough market, some home builders and their sales teams aren’t being nearly aggressive enough to reel in potential buyers, say the results from a Denver-area survey.
Sales + Marketing The Secrets of Home Sales All-Stars 3 National Sales & Marketing Awards Gold Winners share their “secrets” on how to sell successfully in good times and bad.
Sales + Marketing Home builders, Get on the Road to Fair-Share Pricing Columnist John Rymer explains why having accurate information on your competitors in the current housing market is more important than ever before.
Sales + Marketing Are Your Newly Hired Sales Agents Really Ready to Sell Your Homes? Prepare your new sales agents to sell your homebuilding company’s homes well.
Sales + Marketing Homebuilders, learn to sell your services Learn to turn the perks and services you offer from price tags to benefits in your home buyers’ eyes.
Sales + Marketing Home auctions rid homebuilders of inventory fast One builder offers tips to running a successful home auction.
Sales Home Builders' Traditional Sales Methods Need Retooling Most home builders’ sales methods are outdated. It’s time for a change
Sales + Marketing Tapping an Overlooked Homebuying Market: Single Women One-fifth of home buyers are single women, yet this market has been largely ignored by builders. Here’s how to get noticed.
Sales + Marketing Retool your sales process to meet tougher mortgage guidelines Smart homebuilders are already offering programs to get credit-challenged customers qualified.