Those boomers! They’re doing it again! Just as it has been through every other stage of their lives, they are reinventing retirement and laying out a new paradigm for what they see for themselves in their 'retirement' years.
Builders who are looking to outsource their sales load rather than carrying the overhead of employing a staff and running a sales office may have a solution with Century 21 Builder Connections.
Recognize that today’s buyers come into the sales office or models knowing much more about your company, your products and your competition than ever before.
Forget everything you know about the active adult market. It’s probably all wrong, now that the baby boom generation is charging into that market segment.
Although there will always be some buyers looking for something ever larger and ever more grand, many more of the boomers will be in the market for a reasonably sized home.
U.S. Home has come up with a great idea to get kids fired up about careers in the housing industry: a 'Building Homes And Futures' design competition among local high school students.