Sales + Marketing Redefining Marketing for a New Generation of Homeowners Millennials—the newest generation of homeowners—aren’t as quick as past generations to embrace the major life decisions that will move them from renting to homeownership
Opinion A Drop in the Bucket Data show that new homes can reduce water consumption by almost 50 percent over homes built before 1980
Economics Scarcity and Solutions for the Home Building Industry Shortages add pressure, but they also prompt inventive solutions
New-Home Marketing Market Mismatch Why buyers in some markets are having trouble getting the homes they want
Business Management The Cost of Quality COQ (cost of quality) refers not to the cost of building a quality product, but rather the cost of not doing so
Opinion Time For a Listening Tour? Are you taking full advantage of the information that's available?
Opinion Building Healthy Communities Historical planning methods can be adapted to create a healthier suburbia—without sacrificing housing numbers
Opinion Building Attainable Homes Today’s land costs, development fees, and labor issues make it incredibly difficult to build homes for buyers on the lowest rung