Sales + Marketing Creative Ways Home Builders Can Nail the Sale Craigslist? Check out these ideas Eldan Homes uses to close a deal in tough times
Management We Won't Lose a Sale Over Value Readjust your sales team's approach and get a leg up on the competition
Customer Satisfaction Measure Your Listening Skills Learn how sales professionals can measure if they are really hearing what’s important to home buyers.
Sales + Marketing Home builders: Are you coaching your sales teams? Rick Heaston encourages you to re-examine your coaching skills.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Finds Sales Teams Weak on Follow-Ups Despite a tough market, some home builders and their sales teams aren’t being nearly aggressive enough to reel in potential buyers, say the results from a Denver-area survey.
Sales + Marketing The Secrets of Home Sales All-Stars 3 National Sales & Marketing Awards Gold Winners share their “secrets” on how to sell successfully in good times and bad.
Sales + Marketing Home builders, Get on the Road to Fair-Share Pricing Columnist John Rymer explains why having accurate information on your competitors in the current housing market is more important than ever before.
Sales + Marketing Are Your Newly Hired Sales Agents Really Ready to Sell Your Homes? Prepare your new sales agents to sell your homebuilding company’s homes well.
Sales + Marketing Homebuilders, learn to sell your services Learn to turn the perks and services you offer from price tags to benefits in your home buyers’ eyes.