The Nationals The Best in New-Home Marketing: Winners of the 2017 Nationals Winners of the 2017 National Sales & Marketing Awards offer creative examples of how to entice buyers from the get-go
Financials The Perfect Marketing Budget For 2017 No budget? Proceed at your own risk. Or, check out our strategic spending guide for the coming year
Sales + Marketing 2016 Was A Very Good Year—Or Was It? As 2016 draws to a close, it’s time for some crystal-ball gazing and best advice for next year
Opinion A Winning Strategy Much of the credit for LGI’s success goes to its marketing and sales processes
Sales + Marketing Redefining Marketing for a New Generation of Homeowners Millennials—the newest generation of homeowners—aren’t as quick as past generations to embrace the major life decisions that will move them from renting to homeownership
Sales + Marketing How Home Builders Can Tap the Power of Story to Create a Lasting Impression Making the most of leads and engaging prospective homebuyers means sharing a clear, succinct narrative about your company
New-Home Marketing Market Mismatch Why buyers in some markets are having trouble getting the homes they want
Sales Lead Tracking What Is a Lead Worth? Here’s how to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth from hard-won traffic, prospects, and appointments
Sales Are Co-op Sales Worth It? They can be a silent profit leak, but there are also good reasons to make co-op sales work
Opinion Time For a Listening Tour? Are you taking full advantage of the information that's available?